
If there is patient data for this table the file for this export will be found in the extracted zip folder location under the filename of claims.csv

If there are non-patient data column elements that are not part of the designated record set they will be marked in the Comment's column for that data element


Insurance Billing Claims - Used for tracking and submission of billing claims to payers


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
patient_id BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The internal patient identifier

encounter_id INT 10 null
form_encounter.encounter Defined in XML R

Encounter identifier - Identifier for the patient encounter associated with the claim

version INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Claim version - Incremented in code to track changes in claims

payer_id INT 10 0 Defined in XML R

The insurance company being billed. If this is self-pay the id will be 0

status TINYINT 3 0

Claim status - Status of the billing claim. -1=Leave Unchanged,1=Unbilled,2=Mark as billed, 7=Denied

payer_type TINYINT 3 0

The payer type code, indicating the source of payment (0=patient, 1=primary insurance, 2=secondary insurance, etc).

bill_process TINYINT 3 0

Billing process status. -1=Leave unchanged, 0=Claim is open,1=Processing in progress,2=Billed,3=Error

bill_time DATETIME 19 null

Billing time - The datetime this bill was created

process_time DATETIME 19 null

Processing time - Time of claim processing

process_file VARCHAR 255 null

Processing file - File associated with claim processing

target VARCHAR 30 null

Claim target - Target associated with the claim

x12_partner_id INT 10 0

X12 Partner identifier - Identifier for the X12 partner. Empty in export

submitted_claim TEXT 65535 null

Submitted claim - Claims form data


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc patient_id + encounter_id + version
