
If there is patient data for this table the file for this export will be found in the extracted zip folder location under the filename of immunizations.csv

If there are non-patient data column elements that are not part of the designated record set they will be marked in the Comment's column for that data element


Patient Immunizations


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
immunization_observation.imo_im_id Defined in XML R
uuid BINARY 16 null
patient_id BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The internal patient identifier

administered_date DATETIME 19 null
immunization_id INT 10 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘immunizations’ and represents common list of immunizations the EMR works with

cvx_code VARCHAR 64 null
manufacturer VARCHAR 100 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘Immunization_Manufacturer’ and represents a list of immunization manufacturers

lot_number VARCHAR 50 null
administered_by_id BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The person that administered the immunization

administered_by VARCHAR 255 null

Alternative to administered_by_id

education_date DATE 10 null
vis_date DATE 10 null

Date of VIS Statement

note TEXT 65535 null
create_date DATETIME 19 null
update_date TIMESTAMP 19 null
created_by BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The user that created this record

updated_by BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The user that last updated this record

amount_administered FLOAT 12 null
amount_administered_unit VARCHAR 50 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘drug_units’ and represents the units of drug administered

expiration_date DATE 10 null
route VARCHAR 100 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘drug_route’ and represents a list of immunization manufacturers

administration_site VARCHAR 100 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘immunization_administered_site’ and represents the body sites where the immunization can be administered

added_erroneously BIT 1 0
external_id VARCHAR 20 null
completion_status VARCHAR 50 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘Immunization_Completion_Status’ and represents the status of the immunization

information_source VARCHAR 31 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘immunization_informationsource’ and represents where the source of information the immmunization is coming from originates

refusal_reason VARCHAR 31 null
list_options.option_id Defined in XML R

Comes from the list_options.list_id=‘immunization_refusal_reason’ and represents the reasons the individual refused immunization

ordering_provider INT 10 null Defined in XML R

The provider that issued the order to administer this immunization

reason_code VARCHAR 31 null

Medical code explaining reason of the vital observation value in form codesystem:codetype;…;

reason_description TEXT 65535 null

Human readable text description of the reason_code column


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
patient_id Performance Asc patient_id
uuid Must be unique Asc uuid
