
If there is patient data for this table the file for this export will be found in the extracted zip folder location under the filename of prescriptions.csv

If there are non-patient data column elements that are not part of the designated record set they will be marked in the Comment's column for that data element


Internal and External prescription information


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
uuid BINARY 16 null
patient_id BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The internal patient identifier

filled_by_id INT 10 null

UNUSED - will be removed in the future

pharmacy_id INT 10 null Defined in XML R

The internal identifier for the pharmacy that is connected to this prescription

date_added DATETIME 19 null

Datetime the prescriptions was initially created

date_modified DATETIME 19 null

Datetime the prescriptions was last modified

provider_id INT 10 null Defined in XML R

The id of the user that created this prescription

encounter INT 10 null
start_date DATE 10 null
drug VARCHAR 150 null
drug_id INT 10 0
drugs.drug_id Defined in XML R

The id of the drug that was prescribed to the patient. 0 if the drug was manually entered

rxnorm_drugcode VARCHAR 25 null
form INT 10 null
dosage VARCHAR 100 null
quantity VARCHAR 31 null
size VARCHAR 25 null
unit INT 10 null
route VARCHAR 100 null

Max size 100 characters is same max as immunizations

interval INT 10 null
substitute INT 10 null
refills INT 10 null
per_refill INT 10 null
filled_date DATE 10 null
medication INT 10 null
note TEXT 65535 null
active INT 10 1
datetime DATETIME 19 null
user VARCHAR 50 null
site VARCHAR 50 null
prescriptionguid VARCHAR 50 null
erx_source TINYINT 3 0

0-OpenEMR 1-External

erx_uploaded TINYINT 3 0

0-Pending NewCrop upload 1-Uploaded to NewCrop

drug_info_erx TEXT 65535 null
external_id VARCHAR 20 null
end_date DATE 10 null
indication TEXT 65535 null
prn VARCHAR 30 null
ntx INT 10 null
rtx INT 10 null
txDate DATE 10 null
usage_category VARCHAR 100 null

option_id in list_options.list_id=medication-usage-category

usage_category_title VARCHAR 255 null

title in list_options.list_id=medication-usage-category

request_intent VARCHAR 100 null

option_id in list_options.list_id=medication-request-intent

request_intent_title VARCHAR 255 null

title in list_options.list_id=medication-request-intent

drug_dosage_instructions LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Medication dosage instructions

created_by BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The id of the user that initially created this record

updated_by BIGINT 19 null Defined in XML R

The id of the user that last updated this record


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
patient_id Performance Asc patient_id
uuid Must be unique Asc uuid
